Reverberation Rooms
A reverberation chamber can be considered the opposite of an anechoic chamber because its boundaries reflect, rather than absorb sound energy. Reverberation rooms are designed for the determination of sound power output of noise sources, transmission loss of partitions, insertion loss of silencers, response characteristics of microphones and random incidence absorption coefficients of materials. They are also used for high-intensity noise level fatigue testing of aircraft, space vehicles and other equipment.
The purpose of a reverberation room is to create a highly diffused acoustic measurement environment, defined as a sound field in which acoustic energy flows equally in all directions.
A reverberation room must provide sound isolation against extraneous noises and an environment which can be temperature, pressure and humidity controlled.
IAC Acoustics has installed many field-proven reverberation rooms in different configurations. With more than 60 years of experience, IAC Acoustics is the pioneer and leading company in the design, construction and commissioning of modular reverberation chambers.