IAC Acoustics – Covid-19 Update

Our business is founded on the deeply held value of Zero Harm.


As it applies to safety, we remain focused on ensuring that all of our people return home safely to their families at the end of their working day.


COVID-19 Response

We are minimising COVID-19 transmission risk while continuing to deliver safe, reliable and high-quality services to our customers.

Senior managers from across the IAC Group meet regularly to put in place appropriate control strategies, which also includes complying with all Government regulations and advice in relation to COVID-19.

We are communicating regularly with our employees to keep them informed.

Control measures across our offices and sites include:

Increased cleaning of amenities and facilities, including availability of hand sanitiser on all sites

Reducing face-to-face meetings, toolbox talks and pre-starts to as few employees as possible – and practising appropriate social distancing measures when these do take place

Implementing plans for office staff to work remotely where possible and increasing social distancing measures in all offices

Restricting visits to our customer sites and locations

Implementing temperature testing procedures at sites

Banning all non-essential business travel

Applying all current Government mandated guidelines relating to travel and self-isolation

Regular communication with employees reinforcing correct hygiene, self-isolation and social distancing practices.


We are committed to working closely with our customers and partners to minimise the impact on our operations while keeping our people safe.


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