Rehearsal Rooms


“Practice makes perfect” and without somewhere to practice, many of today’s musical celebrities would never have made it onto the world stage. Acoustically engineered rooms provide several essential benefits to budding musicians and recording studios alike; to keep the sound in, keep other sounds out, and provide an acoustically clean environment that doesn’t colour the sound in unnatural ways or misrepresent how the instrument, music or voice will sound outside it.

Effects that are hard for the ear to detect during a performance are often disastrously apparent in the recording. On the other hand, a lack of sound reflection prevents the performer from tuning their own performance.

Mistakes can be expensive to rectify. The conductor of the Sydney Symphony Orchestra likened the acoustics of the Sydney Opera House to a car park: a remediation project now underway is costing more than AUD200 million. Different rooms, and even different instruments, may require quite different solutions. For example, the Royal Academy of Music in London has rooms designed specifically for percussion. Constructing an acoustically isolated space, therefore, requires considerable expertise, knowledge and experience.

IAC Acoustics are often called upon to help design buildings that will be used for performances, recordings or audio-visual education. However it is just as often our design insight and experience is required for existing buildings that are being repurposed. With the right carefully-planned approach, almost any space can be converted into a state-of-the-art practice or recording environment.

Transforming spaces that were designed for entirely different purposes presents a wide range of possible challenges. Many rooms, for example, will generate reverberations. Larger spaces or higher ceilings can extend the gap between direct sound and reflected sound reaching the ear. Even bigger spaces (as in the Sydney Opera House) reflect insufficient sound for performers to hear and coordinate with colleagues. Another problem is the leakage of sound into adjacent rooms, yet with the right acoustic design it is even possible for multiple groups to perform in an open-plan environment without unduly disturbing each other.

Our solutions are accelerated by taking a modular approach based upon proven IAC products. Modularity provides the acoustic designer with guaranteed acoustic specifications while retaining dimensional flexibility of design to match the requirements of each unique space. Prefabricated acoustic panels, windows, doors and HVAC components also make installation far quicker, cleaner and more cost-effective. A modular component system build also provides an opportunity to relocate the practice space at a later date if the premises are moved or redesigned.

Music practice rooms and studios are offered as turnkey solutions with a complete package of components and installation services. These usually include fitting out the space for all the electrical, mechanical, air conditioning and other services that the room will need, while maintaining its acoustical protection and integrity.

If you need to enhance an acoustic performance space, provide multiple soundproof units, or are planning to build a bespoke performance venue, IAC Acoustics are always happy to discuss your design with you and recommend the best acoustic solutions available.


Guy Pulley
+61 (0) 2 8781 0430


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